Frequently Asked Questions
when is the next test date?
All dates are posted on our website, FB and IG. F2S tests on a monthly basis and future dates will be posted as soon as possible. All test dates are announced on social media and the website.
How do I signup?
All signup information and details are located at
WHat happens prior to signing up for the test?
After a candidate is signed up for the test(s) an email will be sent a few days prior to the exam with all test information and details.
WHat happens if I fail the Written test?
The threshold for a certificate on the written exam is a 70. If you do not score a 70 or higher you will not receive a certificate. Fit2Serve purchases each written exam and fees associated with the online proctors, therefore candidates must pay for each exam they take.
Fit2Serve highly suggests purchasing the study guide prior to the test. The cost is $20 and goes directly to PSHRA.
Are headphones permitted for the pat test?
is headwear permitted at the pat test?
What happens if I do not have a signed physician’s waiver?
You will not be permitted to take the test.
how does the testing process work?
F2S has two contracts with RI Police Chief's Association to administer the PAT/Written exams. If a candidate passes the PAT the certification is valid for one-year, a passing score of 70 on the written is valid for a two-year period. Passing candidates will receive a certificate for the test (s) which can presented to recruiting police departments. All candidate data, to include name, age, race, gender, contact information and scores, is disseminated to all the police departments in Rhode Island for recruiting purposes. The certifications are accepted by most police departments in RI with the exception of the RI State Police due to a passing score percentage differential.
how do I begin training with f2s?
F2S has group classes every Wednesday at 5:30 PM and Saturday at 11:30 AM at Balance Fitness, 16 Douglas Street, Jamestown RI, the cost is $25.00 per session. Simply send an email to that you would like to attend.
Individual Training- email Jason or Kevin at to discuss details.
Pool Training/Firearms Training will be announced on social media and website and will provide contact and signup information.
Jujitsu- Tuesday and Thursday nights at 7 PM- email Jason at for details/pricing.
Wrestling- Wednesday at 4 PM and Saturday at 10 AM prior to group classes. Contact Andy Henault at 401-864-2296 for details/pricing.
F2S also provides online training and is accessed with a free 7-day trial on the website.
Financial Hardship
Please reach out to for assistance.